Thursday, May 11, 2017


A well respected friend sent me this poser yesterday.—“A 7yr old Sunday school boy asked his teacher, 1st John 2:15-16 says "do not love the world" but John 3:16 says "for God so loved the world". So why did God love the world and He is preventing us from loving it too? If you were the teacher what would be your answer? Every believer's contribution is required”

Here was my humble contribution:

The Love of the Almighty for the world is the love that that considers only what is of spiritual benefit to the one loved not what indulges him. Such love is severe and not at all near the corrupted and emotional concept of love as men would like to have it.

When however we are warned not to love the world, it means that we have to abide by the first Commandment which says we should have no other gods. Our love should be mainly to the Almighty and His Commandments and we are to avoid undue attachment to anything in this world. This is to our spiritual advantage because whoever is entangled with anything of this world will be encumbered in his spiritual ascent. When such a person leaves the flesh he will be tied to the earth instead of ascending to Heaven! However if we put God first in reverential love and loyalty, then when we leave the flesh, this love for God will draw us up to the Eternal Gardens of our God! That was why we were admonished 2000 years ago to put our treasures in Heaven and not on earth!

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