Friday, November 17, 2017


This perfect birthday gift is one you give to yourself!

A birthday anniversary is a very suitable landmark to give oneself the gift of becoming a HAPPY PERSON at last! But how?

We can achieve peace and happiness by keeping our thoughts pure! Keeping our thoughts pure will naturally lead to true, simple and edifying words. It leads eventually to noble deeds. All these will in turn purify us and our environment visible and invisible so much so that the Love of God will be able reach us undimmed with abundant blessings. By keeping our thoughts pure and exercising the power of silence, we free ourselves from all darkness which is the root cause of all the pressure and burden we feel in body and mind!

Just as we ought to use every Sabbath (our day of rest) to reflect on the past week and draw lessons for the future, each of the birthday anniversaries we are permitted on earth are great opportunities to reflect on the past year and decide that going forward we will only do that which is good. Such an honest decision reinforced by a truly heartfelt prayer is capable of redeeming even our past misdeeds. We would have found our way at last, earnestly shedding off undesirable habits. We become light and we feel bliss. We become healthy in body and soul, freed from the burden caused by our unwholesome attitude of the past.

Is this resolution to be pure at heart not a great gift we can give ourselves? Yes, it is!

May each birthday be for us a milestone on our journey to being born anew!

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