Saturday, July 29, 2017


I put here in my own words a story I heard years ago on radio. A shark once tormented some fish in the ocean to the extent that one day the three horrified fish approached the Lord to seek a way out of the danger. They approached the Lord one after the other. The first fish said "Lord the danger posed by the shark is too much. I beg of Thee, let all of my body turn into eyes so that when the wicked shark approaches, I will quickly
see it and escape". At once its request was granted.

The second fish requested: "O Lord, the only wish I have is that all my body should be converted to feathers. This way, if I sight the merciless shark, I shall be able to fly to safety". At once this request too was granted. The third fish then stepped forward and was asked to make its request. It said "O Lord, my humble request is Thy Mercy!" this too was granted and they all left.

On the way, the first fish sighted the shark at about 20 meters away! You remember that all its body has turned to eyes. This fish started to run as fast as it could, till it reached the coast and into the waiting hands of a fisherman who promptly cooked it for dinner!

The second fish sighted the shark at about 10 meters away and quickly put its newly acquired feathers to use. It flew till it left the surface of the ocean. A hovering eagle snatched this fish midair and had it for lunch! Now the third fish that requested for mercy was swimming too when the shark approached but at about 5 meters to this fish, a strange lightning struck and blinded the eyes of the shark - the shark turned away and the third fish swam to safety.

No doubt, from that story, we can deduce the best form of prayer.

Let us therefore drop the arrogant attitude of making demands on our Lord the Most High in the name of asking, begging and praying. May we from now on humbly plead to Him for His mercy, goodness and the strength to enable us bring into being ourselves what we are praying for!

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