Thursday, August 09, 2018


Romeo and Juliet was a tragic romance written by popular playwright William Shakespeare and can be summarized as follows: Boy meets girl. Both boy and girl know that their parents won't let them get involved. Neither boy nor girl care, and they arrange to be married in secret. Meanwhile, the cousin of the girl gets in a fight with the boy's best friend and kills him; the boy then kills the girl's cousin in a fit of rage, and as a result is banished from the city. The girl is distraught and seeks to fake her own death so that she can escape home to be with her love. However, the boy is not told of this, and when he returns to town he believes the girl to be dead. Anguished, he poisons himself. Girl thereafter awakens and on seeing the boy dead, stabs herself with his dagger!  There is much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

All these types of stories do not relate to the love which is ideal and which we should strive for! A person who kills himself to prove his love for another only shows disdain for the gift of life given to him and his death will not add any value to the life of the one for whom he has taken his own life! Many young girls who have in their youth been given to such so called “love stories” have had only themselves to blame when they realize that in real life things are much more different to what the story books and romance novels say.

In reality, true love is not based on fantasy. It is not romance in the ordinary sense, but true love of the soul. It is the love based on purity. This kind of love is severe. You start by being severe with yourself first, by cutting away all your bad habits and forsaking all impurities. Then you will be able to truly love others.  You will love them by doing only what will benefit them spiritually. You will not try to test their love for you by use of tricks and fake stories; neither will you be making demands. For example some only begin to profess their undying love after international flight tickets and foreign currencies for big time shopping have exchanged hands! Is that true love? I verily believe that you know the answer.

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