Thursday, August 23, 2018


“The Creator wants to have His humanity seeing in Creation. To be seeing, however, means to be knowing! And knowledge does not go with blind faith. Only indolence and slothful thinking lie in such a belief, not greatness!
The privilege of being endowed with the ability to think also brings man the duty to investigate!”

The above quotation is from the author of the Grail Message. Using this unique work as basis, I am happy to write this essay entitled: How correct are some popular beliefs?

From the current happenings all around us, we cannot but acknowledge that we are now in the years that have been prophesied long ago! The years that bring a lot of amazing experiences to all of mankind. Consider all the confusion, breakdown in law and order, alarming natural catastrophes, acts of hatred, deeds of madness, same sex marriage becoming fashionable, lustful dancing, and all kinds of immorality. And Religion? Long ago that has turned to a business that serves the religious leaders.

Mercifully however, these are also the years that spiritual enlightenment is to come for all mankind.  I must make the confession right from the start that I am a proud beneficiary of this spiritual enlightenment. It would have been impossible for me to write this piece but for the blessings that I have received together with the enlightenment afforded me by the Grail Message. This Grail Message is a Gift from on High to mankind of the present time. In this time of great difficulties from all sides (economic, family, political, health, weather, religious etc.), there is this Teaching that explains exactly what is happening and why they are happening. It also tells us about the right attitude to be adopted in the circumstance. This work of great spiritual significance clears up all the confusion that have been created by wrong beliefs and brings the Truth to victory.

In this essay I will share with you 7 such popular beliefs that cannot stand in the Light of Truth. Mind you, it is not the intention to use this essay as an avenue to attack anyone or any group. Instead, this effort is to share with you my experiences gained from working with the Grail Message and how this has helped to clear up many issues that have raised honest questions within me. 

Perhaps this essay may spur you on to subject your own beliefs to more scrutiny. These are the popular beliefs we will examine:

1.  “On the Judgement Day the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall resurrect physically and together with believers still on earth ascend to meet Lord in the sky”
2. “The dead are resting in peace”
3. “There is nothing like reincarnation”
4. “With God all things are possible”
5. “The purpose of man’s existence is just to live as best we can, accumulate material wealth, get married and have children and if possible have as many earthly honours as possible and if we are successful in these and in the end get a religious burial, then our purpose has been achieved.”
6. “Jesus died for all our sins”
7. “My belief is the only right one!”

Subsequent posts will address each and every one of these popular concepts.

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