Friday, August 24, 2018


2. “The dead are resting in peace”

“May his soul rest in perfect peace”. You see these words written all over condolence registers and they are used as words to comfort the close relatives and friends of a departed one. Are the departed really sleeping or resting in peace?

Motion is a law of creation! Therefore, nothing and no one can rest in peace on earth and in the beyond!

As a primary school pupil, I could not wait to reach Secondary School and be rid of the never-ending homework imposed by primary school teachers. I later realised that in secondary school, there was even more work to be done. Then I told myself: I will have a cool life once I gain admission to a university. After my admission however, the words: “student unrest” became clearer to me! Till date, I and everyone around me, young and old are in motion, moving from one interesting experience to another. I guess you can say the same concerning yourself. Or are you resting?

The inner core of man is spirit and this has been in existence and in activity before making an appearance in a physical body. With birth, life on earth begins and the spirit makes use of the physical body to carry out its activities on earth. Similarly, physical death is the passing of the inner core of man from the earthly plane into the world beyond; a birth into the beyond. With this, activity continues for the spirit. Indeed, in the best case, the spirit has the duty to journey from plane to plane until it arrives back in Paradise as a fully matured spirit which is the real reason why it embarked on the journey from Paradise its original place of origin. In other cases the spirit may have to take another trip back to earth after a short or longer period in the beyond.

Human beings who strive for spiritual maturity and joyfully obey the Laws of God will always be light and bright spiritually. Through their lightness, such will ascend to the higher or lighter parts of the beyond when they leave the flesh. Conversely, those of evil disposition will be heavy and dark and this makes these wicked ones sink into the lower regions of the beyond as a natural consequence after their departure from the earth.

In these lower regions, they will find the ugly forms they have produced and also people with similar tendencies who try to inflict on each other what they inflicted on their fellow men while on earth. The unrestrained raging that occurs there cannot even be imagined.

Those who find themselves in lighter areas will also encounter those of a similar nature. They will come together in kindness and peace and will join hands in the pursuit of the greater good.

Therefore, there is no resting after physical death but each person will continue experiencing creation in the region he has prepared for himself through his thoughts, words and deeds while here on earth.

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