Sunday, August 26, 2018


How do students react to examination results? Usually, when the result is good, they will readily claim ownership and exclaim proudly: “I made an A (high score) in that subject!” However when the result is not good, you will likely hear in low tones something like: “they gave me an F (low score) in that subject”, “they failed me!” or “the lecturers are wicked!”

In reality, such is the general attitude of man. We are prepared and happy to take ownership of the palatable results of our previous actions but slow to accept it when we get poor results as a consequence of our former deeds. 

At times, we are alarmed at what befalls us or people close to us. We wonder why bad things happen to good people. We also watch in amazement when some people seem to get all the good things of life almost effortlessly while some others have to struggle every minute of their lives. 

Some say the stars are responsible. Some especially in the western part of Nigeria say that one has chosen whatever happens to him on earth beforehand while kneeling down in heaven to make choices! (Akun’le yan) One wonders why anyone would choose terrible things for themselves. How would one explain the case of people who are born with physical deformities, disease or other deficiencies? Did they deliberately kneel down in the world beyond to choose these? Again, how do we explain the fact that some are born into very poor and war torn countries while others are born into peace and opulence? The same Yoruba that speak of predestination as mentioned earlier also believe that a person’s malevolent actions (Afowofa) can alter the person’s destiny from good to bad and that a person’s character (Iwa) plays an important part in a person’s destiny for good or bad. They add that destiny can be altered adversely by evil people. (Omo araye) Now, whether destiny is chosen or imposed, one can ask: can destiny be changed? 

With the foregoing as introductory comments, we will treat our topic by addressing the following questions through the essays that will follow this: 

1. Why do bad things happen to good people? 

2. What determines the family and country into which one is born? And why are innocent children born into poor families or war-torn countries? 

3. Do the stars influence human affairs? 

4. Can destiny be changed? 

In Part II, we shall start with our number 1 question: Why do bad things happen to good people? 

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