Wednesday, August 29, 2018


A nation has been defined as a stable community of people, formed based on a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity, and a common culture. The concept of nation building means the efforts of newly independent countries notably the countries of Africa to transform their territories into viable nations. These new states are not nations ab initio but countries with many nations embedded! Nation building therefore becomes necessary because these countries had been carved out by colonial powers without regard to ethnic, religious, or other boundaries.

Nation-building includes the creation of national paraphernalia such as flags, anthems, national days, national stadiums, national airlines and national languages. At a deeper level, national identity needed to be deliberately constructed by molding different ethnic groups into a nation. This is essential because as said earlier, the colonialists usually brought many nations together to form a country. For example, Nigeria has been described as a country comprising many nations.

Most times these new countries or states are plagued by distrust among the member ethnic groups, conspiracy theories and destructive rivalry between the ethnic groups within the state. This sometimes resulted in their near-disintegration, such as the attempt by Biafra to secede from Nigeria between 1967 and 1970. In Asia, the division of British India into India and Pakistan was in part due to ethnic differences, which might have been aided by other factors like colonial mismanagement of the situation. The Rwandan genocide as well as the recurrent problems experienced by the Sudan can also be related to a lack of ethnic, religious, or racial cohesion within the state. To this day, the national question remains a topical issue in Nigeria.

Obviously, the task of forming states into nations is quite an onerous task. We shall in this series examine the task of nation building using the above topic which will be treated under the following three sub-headings:
  1. The building blocks of a nation.
  2. Where lies peace and development?
  3. Love as the basis of nationhood.

The following essays will address the above-mentioned points. Enjoy…

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